[Demo] Design Event-Driven Microservices for Cloud → Register Now

Online Talk

Build a Real-Time Observability Platform in the Cloud

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As business shifts more and more to real-time everything, engineering and operations teams face mounting pressures to track and respond to every indicator and issue across increasingly complex application environments. A robust analytics solution for scaled operational visibility based upon streaming data is needed.

Together, Confluent and Imply provide a complete, cloud-native data architecture for developing real-time analytics applications to query and visualize critical metrics at scale including latencies, error rates, overall service health statuses, and more.

During this webinar and demo, we’ll walk you through:

  • The business need for a highly capable architecture for real-time observability and the benefits of building with fully managed cloud services
  • How to access and prepare operational data like logs, metrics, and traces as data streams with Confluent Cloud, a cloud-native and complete solution for Apache Kafka®
  • How to ingest, query and even visualize Confluent data streams in real time — and at any scale — with Imply Polaris, a fully-managed Apache Druid® service

Additional Resources

cc demo

Confluent Cloud Demo

Join us for a live demo of Confluent Cloud, the industry’s only fully managed, cloud-native event streaming platform powered by Apache Kafka
kafka microservices

Kafka Microservices

In this online talk series, learn key concepts, use cases and best practices to harness the power of real-time streams for microservices architectures
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01

e-book: Microservices Customer Stories

See how five organizations across a wide range of industries leveraged Confluent to build a new class of event-driven microservices