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Kafka Summit London 2018 Agenda Announced

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Good news! The agenda and speakers for the first-ever Kafka Summit in London have been announced.

If you’ve been to one of the Summits in New York or San Francisco, you know all about them. If you haven’t, we hope you can join us in London! Kafka Summit has established itself as the premier streaming systems event for data architects, engineers, DevOps professionals, and developers. It’s a deeply technical, community-focused conference that brings Apache Kafka® practitioners together to share experiences, nail down best practices, and plot the future of streaming technologies. The Summit will be surrounded by related events including a tutorial for new Kafka developers and an in-depth, multi-day training for advanced users.

Obviously you can miss it, but should you? No, you should not.

Some highlights of Kafka Summit London include:

  • Four keynote sessions:
    • The Death and Rebirth of the Event Driven ArchitectureJay Kreps, original co-creator of Apache Kafka and CEO at Confluent
    • Fast Cars in a Streaming World: Re-imagining Transportation at AUDIFlorian Schwensfeier, Director of Development at AUDI
    • The Present and Future of the Streaming PlatformNeha Narkhede, original co-creator of Apache Kafka and CTO at Confluent
    • Enabling Experimentation Using Event-based Systems – Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist and Toby Clemson, Lead Consultant at ThoughtWorks
  • Yes, I said four keynotes.
  • 30 sessions providing technical and practical knowledge from companies such as the BBC, Etsy, Google, ING, Nordea Bank, Shopify, Yelp, and Zalando. Our goal is to bring you a good mix of deep dives, experience reports, and Big Idea talks to help guide the community as we build the next generation of streaming systems.

The full agenda can be found here.

  • Three tracks covering the following areas:
    • Real-time messaging, analytics, and stream processing
    • Real-time data integration and ETL pipelines
    • Deep dives into Kafka internals, performance tuning, and streaming system architectures

And I shall not let it go without staying that the Kafka Summit wouldn’t be what it is without our amazing Program Committee! Many thanks to these people for all their hard work and investment in putting together the agenda:

Baron Swartz, VividCortex Becket Qin, LinkedIn Ben Lorica, O’Reilly Media
Helena Edelson Jun Rao, Confluent Michael Noll, Confluent
Neha Narkhede, Confluent Rajini Sivaram, Confluent Sam Newman
Tim Berglund, Confluent Todd Palino, LinkedIn  

So in conclusion, you don’t want to miss this Summit. I hope to see you there!

Be advised that early-bird pricing ends January 26th. Register now to save £100 off conference fees.

  • Tim Berglund is a teacher, author, and Developer Relations leader at StarTree. He can frequently be found at speaking at conferences in the United States and all over the world. He is the co-presenter of various O’Reilly training videos on topics ranging from Git to Distributed Systems, and is the author of Gradle Beyond the Basics. He tweets as @tlberglund, blogs very occasionally at http://timberglund.com, is the co-host of the http://devrelrad.io podcast, and lives in Littleton, CO, USA with the wife of his youth and their youngest child, the other two having mostly grown up.

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