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Empowering Streams through KSQL: A Confluent Online Talk Series

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KSQL, a modern-day streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka, serves as the easiest way to enable continuous, interactive queries without requiring any Java or Python knowledge. Now all Apache Kafka users can gain insight into data—whether you’re a developer or member of an operations team.

This three-part series will help you go from understanding KSQL to using it effectively. It will cover the ins and outs behind how KSQL works so that you can accomplish monitoring, security and anomaly detection, online data integration, application development, streaming ETL and more.

We also have an alternative version of the series broadcasted in GMT.

Part 1: Exploring KSQL Patterns

This session covers the patterns and techniques of using KSQL. Tim Berglund discusses the various building blocks that you can use in your own applications, starting with the language syntax itself and covering how and when to use its powerful capabilities like a pro.

Tim Berglund

Tim Berglund

Senior Director of Developer Experience, Confluent

 Part 2: Live Coding a KSQL Application

Join us as we build a complete streaming application with KSQL. There will be plenty of hands-on action, plus a description of our thought process and design choices along the way. Look out for advice on best practices and handy tips and tricks as we go.

Nick Dearden

Nick Dearden
Director of Engineering, Confluent

Hojjat Jafarpour

Hojjat Jafarpour

KSQL Project Lead, Confluent

Part 3: Deploying and Operating KSQL

In this session, Nick Dearden covers the planning and operation of your KSQL deployment, including under-the-hood architectural details. You will learn about the various deployment models, how to track and monitor your KSQL applications, how to scale in and out and how to think about capacity planning.

Nick Dearden

Nick Dearden

Director of Engineering, Confluent

Additional Resources

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Confluent Cloud Demo

Join us for a live demo of Confluent Cloud, the industry’s only fully managed, cloud-native event streaming platform powered by Apache Kafka
kafka microservices

Kafka Microservices

In this online talk series, learn key concepts, use cases and best practices to harness the power of real-time streams for microservices architectures
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e-book: Microservices Customer Stories

See how five organizations across a wide range of industries leveraged Confluent to build a new class of event-driven microservices