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Confluent Verified Integration FAQs

To enhance and simplify your partnering experience with Confluent, we offer the following responses to some frequently asked questions. Please reach out to partners@confluent.io should you need to further discuss your partnership with Confluent.

What is a Verified Integration

A supported application from a 3rd party vendor that integrates with Confluent Platform, and has been assessed by Confluent to meet certain quality and functionality requirements.

For example:

  • An application that streams database change events into a Kafka topic.
  • An application that streams events from a Kafka topic into a target NoSQL data store.
What are the benefits of Verified status for Partners?

Verified Integrations are highlighted in our listing of integrations, giving greater prominence and accessibility to them. Technical partners with Verified Integrations are eligible for cross-marketing activities.

What are the benefits to end-users and customers of Verified status?

Confidence in the integration’s quality and available support.

Can community-supported Integrations be Verified?

No. One of the requirements for a Verified Integration is that it must be fully supported by a vendor who is a Confluent Technical Partner.

How can a Vendor become a Confluent Technical Partner?

Details of the program and the application form can be found here.

Is there a fee for joining the Confluent Technology Partner Program?

No, there is no fee to join the Confluent Technology Partner Program.

What support is available for writing integrations?

Technical Partners have access to the partner engineering team, who can support integration questions. The Confluent partner team can be reached via email at partners@confluent.io.

We have a great technology with which Confluent should integrate — will you write an integration?

Technical Partners can either write integrations themselves—with the support of Confluent’s partner engineering team—or Confluent can recommend partners who can undertake this development work on a commercial basis. Please reach out to the Confluent team for more details at partners@confluent.io.

How many levels of Verified Integration are there?

There are two levels of Verified Integration: Standard and Gold.

What functionality must a Verified Integration support?

Integrations must at a minimum support schema handling in line with Kafka Connect’s standards, including Avro and the Confluent Schema Registry.Gold level of Verified Integration, functionality requirements include support for Single Message Transforms, Confluent Control Center integration, and more. Full details can be found in the Verification Guide.

How is a Verified Integration different from a Certified Connector?

"Certified Connector" is a depreciated term (as of March 2018), and has been replaced by "Verified Integration." Integrations is a broader term, of which those written using the Kafka Connect framework are a subset. Thus, all connectors are integrations, and we use this umbrella term.The term Connector refers specifically to code written using the Kafka Connect API. We now use the term "Verified" in place of "Certified."

How do I get my Integration verified?

Ensure you are a registered member of the Confluent Technical Partner program, and then contact partners@confluent.io to request verification of your integration.Full details of the process are available in the Verification Guide.