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Confluent Presented the Databricks ISV Momentum Partner Award 2021

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I’m excited to announce that Confluent was presented with the Databricks ISV Momentum Award at the Databricks Partner Executive Summit last month. This award is given to the partner whose product integration footprint with Databricks has grown at the most impressive rate. For Confluent, this pertains to the Connector for the Confluent Hub.

Databricks Momentum Award

At Confluent, we’re building the foundational platform for data in motion. Our cloud-native offering is designed to be the intelligent connective tissue enabling real-time data, from multiple sources, to constantly stream across organizations. With Confluent, organizations can create a central nervous system to innovate and win in a digital-first world.

Real-time data and analytics have become critical for enterprises but are difficult to execute at scale. Confluent and Databricks together provide a powerful and complete data solution focused on helping companies operate at scale, in real time. With Confluent and Databricks, developers can create real-time applications, enable microservices, and leverage many different data sources, resulting in better business outcomes for our customers.

Confluent and Databricks

What are those better business outcomes customers can expect?

First, customers are challenged by current systems that are brittle, can’t scale, or can’t handle new data types, which are then compounded by real-time business demands. These clearly affect scalability and performance.

Next, dealing with siloed legacy IT architectures, customers are unable to access or analyze their data efficiently. And, finally, they are faced with inefficient, unreliable data due to the inability of older architectures to process data quickly.

These challenges can now be solved by implementing Databricks and Confluent. Scalability and performance issues are now addressed as Confluent can scale and deliver trillions of events per day that can then be analyzed at petabyte scale by Databricks.

Our integrated data solution provides benefits across three joint pillars: scalability and performance, business transformation, and the ability to provide fast, efficient, and reliable data. As an example, one of our financial services customers was unable to react quickly to real-time events due to their data analysis and workflows taking hours to complete using legacy platforms, resulting in higher risk of fraud. By migrating legacy data platforms to a modern, data-in-motion scenario from Confluent, the Databricks analytics platform was then able to open up real-time fraud identification. As a result, the bank was able to leverage data from various data sources in real time. By modernizing their data platform in this manner, the bank was able to open a 360-degree view of customer activity, helping them better understand customer needs, reduce risk, and drive a superior customer experience. This is just one of many examples and industries where our integration has made an impact.

Pankaj Dugar, VP, Product Partnerships at Databricks, commented; “The ISV Momentum Award we presented to Confluent at the Databricks Partner Executive Summit showcases the substantial growth and progress evident in our partnership since its inception in 2019. We are proud of the integrated solutions we’ve developed that our customers have implemented to manage their new normal in digital transformation—with increased efficiency, productivity, and data availability, all in a dramatically reduced timeframe.”

Digital transformation with Confluent and Databricks breaks down silos, enabling access to data across the enterprise. And users can now enjoy increased speed and efficiency, as well as productivity with more available data—all while lowering costs.

If you’re looking to learn more about data in motion, be sure to register for the Kafka Summit Americas 2021 virtual event and in the meantime stay tuned for more news about our partnership with Databricks.

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  • Sid Rabindran is the Director of the Technology Ecosystem partners and runs the Conflent Partner Program. Sid has a 15 year history of building and executing successful partner programs and leading technology ecosystem partners at companies like SAP and Citrix.

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