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Roosevelt and Delta Dental Build Multi-Cloud Claims Processing Platform with Confluent

Data in motion with Confluent underpins the Roosevelt platform. Confluent has helped us modernize the user experience, move from a monolithic architecture to microservices, and drive a digital transformation with real-time data.

Muk Agaram | VP


Build — and later market — a claims processing and benefits administration platform with an advanced business rule engine


Use Confluent to establish a modern, event-driven architecture that enables real-time streaming and decoupling of key components from the core system


  • Industry-leading auto-adjudication rates achieved
  • Day-long latencies eliminated
  • Architectural missteps avoided
  • Continuous improvement enabled

The Roosevelt platform was built by Delta Dental to transform the way major insurers process claims and administer benefits. A key differentiator for Roosevelt is BRIDE, an engine for creating and managing business rules. Business rules authored by business users -- not developers -- are able to process the vast majority of claims automatically for the more than 20 million members on the Roosevelt platform. This auto-adjudication is significantly faster and more efficient than manual processing, and has led to hundreds of millions of dollars in treatment cost savings.

At the heart of Roosevelt is a real-time streaming architecture built on Confluent that powers not only BRIDE, but also eligibility, billing, member portals, and other core functions on the platform. Initially developed for use internally at Delta Dental based on more than 50 years of claims experience, the Roosevelt platform and BRIDE are now offered as products. For the second generation of BRIDE, the development team followed a cloud-first, multi-cloud strategy, using Kubernetes for containerization. The first deployment was to its private cloud and Microsoft Azure using Kubernetes, with plans to expand to AWS and Google Cloud.

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