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Continuing our discussion of JVM microservices frameworks used with Apache Kafka, we introduce Micronaut. Let’s integrate a Micronaut microservice with Confluent Cloud—using Stream Governance—and test the Kafka integration with TestContainers.
In this edition, we’ll have a look at creating Kafka Streams topologies—exploring the dependency injection and design principles with Spring Framework, while also highlighting some syntactic sugar of Kotlin that makes for more concise and legible topologies.
Been searching far and wide for examples of Spring Boot with Kotlin integrated with Apache Kafka®? You’ve found it. But not just an example with unstructured data or no schema management. Not here! We’re going all the way with Stream Governance in Confluent Cloud. Let’s get into it.
On September 17-18, the data streaming world will descend upon Austin, Texas for Current 2024––bringing the community together to discuss all things Apache Kafka® and Apache Flink®. You’ll hear from tech leaders, industry giants, and startups as they drop a seemingly endless supply of knowledge...