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Fundamentals Workshop: ksqlDB 101

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, customers want businesses to anticipate their needs in real time. To meet these heightened expectations, organizations are using Apache Kafka®, a modern, real-time data streaming platform.

Part of what makes Kafka so powerful is Kafka Streams. The Streams API, available as a Java library, is the easiest way to write real-time apps and microservices. But, what if you prefer not to use Java? Or you want to use a more familiar query language like SQL?

Enter, ksqlDB—an event streaming database purpose-built to help developers create stream processing apps on top of Kafka using only SQL.

Join us in this live, interactive workshop to discover:

  • How ksqlDB works and how it can help you transform your data streams, from simple stateless transformations to more complex operations
  • The tradeoffs between using the Apache Kafka client API, the Kafka Streams API and ksqlDB
  • How to implement User-Defined Functions in ksqlDB