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White Paper

10 Principles for Streaming Services

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As streaming data becomes an increasingly significant factor for modern, digital-age businesses, organizations need flexible tools for managing data streams efficiently and in real-time. Microservices architectures enable businesses to evolve their systems away from the slow and unresponsive shared-state architectures of the past.

When implementing a microservice-based architecture, there are a number of critical factors that a business must take into consideration to ensure successful deployment. This paper provides 10 principles for streaming services, a list of items to be mindful of when designing and building a microservices system

Additional Resources

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Confluent Cloud Demo

Join us for a live demo of Confluent Cloud, the industry’s only fully managed, cloud-native event streaming platform powered by Apache Kafka
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Kafka Microservices

In this online talk series, learn key concepts, use cases and best practices to harness the power of real-time streams for microservices architectures
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e-book: Microservices Customer Stories

See how five organizations across a wide range of industries leveraged Confluent to build a new class of event-driven microservices