Kafka in the Cloud: Why it’s 10x better with Confluent | Find out more

Online Talk

Deploy and Scale a Real-Time Streaming Data Platform with Confluent on DC/OS

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Recording Time: 39.35

Apache Kafka® is fast becoming the de facto technology for moving data across systems in real time to facilitate use cases such as interactive websites or mobile apps, and the IoT.

With apps constantly needing to process higher volumes of data at higher speeds, the integration of Confluent with Mesosphere Enterprise DC/OS makes it easy to deploy, configure, scale, monitor and manage Kafka clusters, and run Kafka elastically alongside other fast data technologies such as Spark and Cassandra.

Join David Tucker, director of partner engineering at Confluent, and Keith Chambers, product manager at Mesosphere, to learn more about managing real-time data and how Confluent and DC/OS make it easier to build and run modern enterprise apps.

This webinar will cover:

  • How you can move data across systems in real time
  • The benefits of and use cases for running Confluent on Mesosphere DC/OS
  • A how-to for deploying and operating Confluent on Mesosphere DC/OS

Related Links

How Confluent Completes Apache Kafka eBook

Leverage a cloud-native service 10x better than Apache Kafka

Confluent Developer Center

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