[Demo] Design Event-Driven Microservices for Cloud → Register Now

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Demo: Design Event-Driven Microservices for Cloud

Join this webinar to see how the legacy of traditional implementations still impacts microservice architectures today.

Mastering Kafka Security across Hybrid Environments with Confluent Platform

In this webinar, you’ll learn about the latest security tools and features in Confluent Platform designed to protect your streaming Kafka data across on-premises or hybrid environments, so you can launch faster while upholding strict security and compliance requirements.

GoodLabs + Confluent Vishing Pen Test Protects Banks from Attacks

Financial institutions use voice biometrics for security, but AI's growth, especially in voice cloning, challenges their effectiveness. With advancing voice cloning AI, testing the resilience of these systems is vital. Learn how GoodLabs Studio developed their Vishing Penetration Testing System with Confluent, Flink, Genesys, an LLM, and ElevenLabs integration.

실시간 데이터 처리는 컨플루언트(Confluent)가 다 알아서 해줌(HAEZOOM)

- 플랫폼 이용자 수 200만명, 누적 투자액 400억, 대한민국 No.1 에너지 IT기업 ‘해줌‘의 실시간 데이터 처리 노하우를 공유합니다. - 본 웨비나에서는 ‘해줌’ 측의 Confluent Cloud 도입 전/후를 비교하여 Confluent가 비즈니스에 어떠한 도움을 주었는지에 대해 소개 할 예정입니다. - 또한, 다양한 Quiz 이벤트와 Confluent Cloud를 저렴하게 활용 할 수 있는 꿀팁까지 준비되어 있으니 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.


- Confluent 소개 - ‘해줌’ 소개 - ‘해줌’ 의 Confluent Cloud 도입 스토리 - Confluent Cloud 싸게, 더싸게, 완전 싸게! - Live Q&A

How to Build GenAI apps Faster with Confluent’s Connectors

In this demo webinar, you’ll learn about building a real-time knowledge base for RAG architecture. We’ll show you how to configure a source connector to bring in data from various sources, Flink SQL for vector embedding, and sink connector to send data to vector stores like MongoDB Atlas Vector search.

How to Build RAG Using Confluent with Flink AI Model Inference and MongoDB

In this GenAI tutorial webinar by Confluent and MongoDB, you’ll learn how to build retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) in 4 key steps: data augmentation, inference, workflows, and post-processing. See a step-by-step walkthrough of vector embedding and get all your questions answered in a live Q&A.

Leveraging Data Streaming to Reinvent BMW Group’s Omnichannel Sales Journey

Join us for an exclusive look at how BMW Group transformed their omnichannel experience by expanding into direct-to-consumer operations with a data streaming platform.

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