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Was ist Apache Kafka®?

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming system used for stream processing, real-time data pipelines, and data integration at scale. Originally created to handle real-time data feeds at LinkedIn in 2011, Kafka quickly evolved from a messaging queue to a full-fledged event streaming platform, capable of handling over one million messages per second, or trillions of messages per day.

Founded by the original creators of Apache Kafka, Confluent provides the most comprehensive Kafka tutorials, training, services, and support. Confluent also offers fully managed, cloud-native data streaming services built for any cloud environment, ensuring scalability and reliability for modern data infrastructure needs.

Was spricht für Kafka?

Kafka bietet zahlreiche Vorteile. Kafka wird heutzutage von mehr als 80 % aller Fortune-100-Unternehmen in nahezu allen Branchen für unzählige kleine und große Anwendungsfälle eingesetzt. Es ist die De-facto-Technologie, die Entwickler und Architekten nutzen, um die neueste Generation skalierbarer Streaming-Anwendungen mit Echtzeit-Daten zu entwickeln. Dies lässt sich zwar mit verschiedenen auf dem Markt verfügbaren Technologien erreichen, doch untenstehend sind die Hauptgründe für die hohe Beliebtheit von Kafka aufgeführt.

High Throughput

Kafka is capable of handling high-velocity and high-volume data, processing millions of messages per second. This makes it ideal for applications requiring real-time data processing and integration across multiple servers.

High Scalability

Kafka clusters can be scaled up to a thousand brokers, handling trillions of messages per day and petabytes of data. Kafka's partitioned log model allows for elastic expansion and contraction of storage and processing capacities. This scalability ensures that Kafka can support a vast array of data sources and streams.

Low Latency

Kafka can deliver a high volume of messages using a cluster of machines with latencies as low as 2ms. This low latency is crucial for applications that require real-time data processing and immediate responses to data streams.

Permanent Storage

Kafka safely and securely stores streams of data in a distributed, durable, and fault-tolerant cluster. This ensures that data records are reliably stored and can be accessed even in the event of server failure. The partitioned log model further enhances Kafka's ability to manage data streams and provide exactly-once processing guarantees.

High Availability

Kafka can extend clusters efficiently over availability zones, or connect clusters across geographic regions. This high availability makes Kafka fault-tolerant with no risk of data loss. Kafka’s design allows it to manage multiple subscribers and external stream processing systems seamlessly.

How Does Apache Kafka Work?

Apache Kafka consists of a storage layer and a compute layer, which enable efficient, real-time data ingestion, streaming data pipelines, and storage across distributed systems. Its design facilitates simplified data streaming between Kafka and external systems, so you can easily manage real-time data and scale within any type of infrastructure.

Skalierbare Echtzeitverarbeitung

A data streaming platform would not be complete without the ability to process and analyze data as soon as it's generated. The Kafka Streams API is a powerful, lightweight library that allows for on-the-fly processing, letting you aggregate, create windowing parameters, perform joins of data within a stream, and more. It is built as a Java application on top of Kafka, which maintains workflow continuity without requiring extra clusters to manage.

Langlebiger, dauerhafter Speicher

Durch die Abstraktion eines verteilten Commit-Logs, wie es üblicherweise in verteilten Datenbanken zu finden ist, bietet Apache Kafka dauerhafte Speichermöglichkeiten. Kafka kann als zuverlässige Informationsquelle genutzt werden, da hier Daten auf mehrere Nodes verteilt werden können. So kann eine Bereitstellung mit hoher Verfügbarkeit in einem einzigen Rechenzentrum oder über mehrere Verfügbarkeitsbereiche hinweg erzielt werden.

Übertragen und Abrufen

Alles beginnt mit dem einfachen, unveränderlichen Commit-Log. Diesen können Sie abonnieren und Daten auf beliebig vielen Systemen oder Echtzeit-Anwendungen veröffentlichen. Im Gegensatz zu Nachrichten-Queues ist Kafka ein in hohem Maße skalierbares und fehlertolerantes verteiltes System. So kann es für Anwendungen wie die Verwaltung von Fahrgast- und Fahrerzuordnung bei Uber, Echtzeit-Analytics und vorausschauende Wartung für Smart Home von British Gas und die Erbringung zahlreicher Echtzeit-Dienste überall auf LinkedIn eingesetzt werden. Diese Performance ist unerreicht und eignet es sich ideal für die Skalierung von einer einzigen App bis hin zur unternehmensweiten Verwendung.

What is Kafka Used For?

Commonly used to build real-time streaming data pipelines and real-time streaming applications, Kafka supports a vast array of use cases. Any company that relies on, or works with data, can find numerous benefits in utilizing Kafka.

Data Pipelines

In the context of Apache Kafka, a streaming data pipeline means ingesting the data from sources into Kafka as it’s created, and then streaming that data from Kafka to one or more targets. This allows for seamless data integration and efficient data flow across different systems.

Stream Processing

Stream processing includes operations like filters, joins, maps, aggregations, and other transformations that enterprises leverage to power many use cases. Kafka Streams, a stream processing library built for Apache Kafka, enables enterprises to process data in real-time, making it ideal for applications requiring immediate data processing and analysis.

Streaming Analytics

Kafka provides high throughput event delivery. When combined with open-source technologies such as Druid, it can form a powerful Streaming Analytics Manager (SAM). Druid consumes streaming data from Kafka to enable analytical queries. Events are first loaded into Kafka, where they are buffered in Kafka brokers, then they are consumed by Druid real-time workers. This allows for real-time analytics and decision-making.

Streaming ETL

Real-time ETL with Kafka combines different components and features such as Kafka Connect source and sink connectors, used to consume and produce data from/to any other database, application, or API; Single Message Transforms (SMT)—an optional Kafka Connect feature; and Kafka Streams for continuous data processing in real-time at scale. Altogether they ensure efficient data transformation and integration.

Event-Driven Microservices

Apache Kafka is the most popular tool for microservices, because it solves many issues related to microservices orchestration, while enabling attributes that microservices aim to achieve, such as scalability, efficiency, and speed. Kafka also facilitates inter-service communication, preserving ultra-low latency and fault tolerance. This makes it essential for building robust and scalable microservices architectures.

By using Kafka's capabilities, organizations can build highly efficient data pipelines, process streams of data in real time, perform advanced analytics, and develop scalable microservices—all ensuring they can meet the demands of modern data-driven applications.

Apache Kafka in Action

Wer nutzt Kafka?

Some of the world’s biggest brands use Kafka:

Airbnb logo
Goldman Sachs
New York Times

To Maximize Kafka, You Need Confluent

Founded by the original developers of Kafka, Confluent delivers the most complete distribution of Kafka, improving Kafka with additional community and commercial features designed to enhance the streaming experience of both operators and developers in production, at massive scale.

You love Apache Kafka®, but not managing it. Confluent's cloud-native, complete, and fully managed service goes above & beyond Kafka, so that your best people can focus on delivering value to your business.

Cloud Kafka


We’ve re-engineered Kafka to provide a best-in-class cloud experience, for any scale, without the operational overhead of infrastructure management. Confluent offers the only truly cloud-native experience for Kafka—delivering the serverless, elastic, cost-effective, highly available, and self-serve experience that developers expect.

Complete Kafka


Creating and maintaining real-time applications requires more than just open-source software and access to scalable cloud infrastructure. Confluent makes Kafka enterprise-ready and provides customers with the complete set of tools they need to build apps quickly, reliably, and securely. Our fully managed features come ready out of the box, for every use case from proof of concept (POC) to production.

Kafka Everywhere


Distributed, complex data architectures can deliver the scale, reliability, and performance to unlock previously unthinkable use cases, but they're incredibly complex to run. Confluent's complete, multi-cloud data streaming platform makes it easy to get data in and out of Kafka with Connect, manage the structure of data using Confluent Schema Registry, and process it in real time using ksqlDB. Confluent meets customers wherever they need to be — powering and uniting real-time data across regions, clouds, and on-premises environments.

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Apache Kafka ist bei Entwicklern beliebt, da es sich schnell erlernen lässt und eine leistungsstarke Event-Streaming-Plattform mit 4 APIs bietet: Producer, Consumer, Streams und Connect.

Entwickler gehen häufig zunächst von einem einzigen Anwendungsfall aus. Dabei könnte z. B. Apache Kafka als Zwischenspeicher für Nachrichten zum Schutz einer veraltete Datenbank, die mit den heutigen Workloads nicht Schritt halten kann, eingesetzt werden. Oder aber man könnte eine solche Datenbank über die Connect API mit einer passenden Such-Indizierungs-Engine synchronisieren, damit Daten direkt bei deren Eintreffen mit Streams API verarbeitet und aggregiert sofort wieder an Ihre Anwendung zurückgeschickt werden können.Kurz gesagt: Apache Kafka und seine APIs machen die Erstellung datengestützter Apps und die Verwaltung komplexer Backend-Systeme ganz einfach. Mit Kafka kann ganz beruhigt darauf vertraut werden, dass Daten stets fehlertolerant, wiedergabefähig und in Echtzeit verfügbar sind. Jetzt können über eine einzige Event-Streaming-Plattform Echtzeit-Daten verarbeitet, gespeichert und mit Anwendungen und Systemen im Unternehmen verknüpft werden – und so die Entwicklung beschleunigen.