Ahorra un 25 % (o incluso más) en tus costes de Kafka | Acepta el reto del ahorro con Kafka de Confluent

Confluent Global Training

Learn Apache Kafka® from Confluent, the company founded by Kafka's original developers.

Confluent Training on Demand

To make it easier for you to meet your training needs, Confluent provides role-based, on-demand training that allows you to educate a few employees––or a large, geographically diverse audience while keeping down both costs and time out of the office.

Confluent’s dynamic self-paced learning combines modular training & live, virtual labs––providing you a strong alternative to in-person training.

Courses available On Demand <https://training.confluent.io/schedule>

Key Benefits

  • Self-paced to allow for optimal learning
  • Interactive training with frequent questions to help measure comprehension
  • Access to Confluent live virtual labs
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • No travel expenses
  • Less time away from work
  • Available for 30 days
  • Full course curriculum available

Course Outline

For a more detailed course outline, please view the course information sheet.

Ready to Talk to Us?

Have someone from Confluent contact you.