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Charlas online con Confluent

Fundado por los creadores originales de Apache Kafka, Confluent ofrece una amplia gama de charlas con tecnólogos líderes y expertos del sector.

Próximas charlas online

Todos los temas
  • Todos los temas
  • Connectors
  • Pipelines de datos en streaming
  • Gobernanza de datos
  • Pipelines en streaming
  • Streaming de datos
  • Security & Governance
  • Microservicios
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Cybersecurity
  • Kafka migration
  • schema guidelines
  • Kafka Center of Excellence
  • Cloud
  • ZooKeeper
  • KRaft
Todos los idiomas
  • Todos los idiomas
  • English

Fast, Frictionless, and Secure Integrations with Confluent’s Connector Portfolio

In this demo webinar, you’ll learn about Confluent’s connector portfolio and how it can enable seamless, reliable, and secure integrations with your source and sink data systems. We’ll show you how to set up secure networking, configure popular connectors, and leverage other productivity features.

Transforming to a Modern Tech Stack with Cloud-native Microservices and Data Streaming

Check out our webinar with McAfee, where you’ll get first-hand insight into how the cybersecurity giant replatformed its architecture to reap the benefits of real-time data streaming with a fully managed cloud service.

Ready to break up with ZooKeeper? KRaft, you had me at hello

In this webinar, we will walk you through two product demos to ensure you’re ready for ZooKeeper-less Kafka: one on how to get started with KRaft and the second on how to migrate to KRaft from an existing deployment.

Getting started with Apache Kafka® and Real-Time Data Streaming

In this two-part webinar, you’ll get an overview of Kafka’s core concepts and how to use it to power a highly scalable, available, and resilient real-time event streaming platform.

Demo: Design Event-Driven Microservices for Cloud

Join this webinar to see how the legacy of traditional implementations still impacts microservice architectures today.

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