Ahorra un 25 % (o incluso más) en tus costes de Kafka | Acepta el reto del ahorro con Kafka de Confluent

White Paper

AWS + Confluent 1-Pager

Set your Amazon Web Services (AWS) data in motion with Confluent. Confluent’s cloud-native offering on AWS is the foundational platform for data in motion, built on Apache Kafka. Confluent is the intelligent connective tissue that enables real-time data to stream from multiple sources across on-prem, multi-cloud, and the edge to AWS. Quickly access Confluent in the AWS Marketplace to unify billing and security and power new rich, digital front-end customer experiences and real-time, software-driven backend operations.

Ready to set your data in motion?

Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01

Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices