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Connecting Data Applications and Transactions to Kafka in Real Time

Learn how Generali, Skechers and Conrad Electronics Keep Data in Motion with Qlik and Confluent

Most enterprise data resides in traditional databases, locked inside legacy mainframe systems and applications, such as SAP, Oracle and Salesforce. Organizations are looking to Apache Kafka to improve their data delivery speeds; however, many are challenged with traditional batch replication processes that struggle to support the ingestion of real-time and continuous changes in databases.

Watch this webinar to hear more about how Generali, Skechers and Conrad Electronics are using Qlik and Confluent to increase Kafka’s value. If you are facing challenges with Kafka, contact us to see how we can help you get the most out of your investment by:

  • Building a modern streaming foundation
  • Streaming data, which has low-latency and low-impact, from mission critical systems
  • Creating automated data pipelines for advanced streaming analytics use cases
  • Automating continuous data streams into Confluent without coding

Don’t wait: Keeping your data in motion will help keep your company in motion and your customers happy.

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Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01

Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices