Ahorra un 25 % (o incluso más) en tus costes de Kafka | Acepta el reto del ahorro con Kafka de Confluent


ExodusPoint Capital Management Virtual Tech Talk Hosted by Confluent

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST

Apache Kafka® has been used extensively in enterprises for real-time data collecting, delivering, and processing. In this talk, we’ll dive into some of the key internals that help make Kafka popular including:

  • Companies like LinkedIn sending greater than one trillion messages per day to Kafka. Learn about the underlying design in Kafka that leads to such high throughput.
  • Many companies (e.g., financial institutions) are now storing mission critical data in Kafka. Learn how Kafka supports high availability and durability through its built-in replication mechanism.


Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01

Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices