Ahorra un 25 % (o incluso más) en tus costes de Kafka | Acepta el reto del ahorro con Kafka de Confluent


Weight Watchers Virtual Tech Talk Hosted by Confluent

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

1:30pm - 3:00pm EST

The number of deployments of Apache Kafka® at enterprise scale has greatly increased in the years since Kafka’s original development in 2010. Along with this rapid growth has come a wide variety of use cases and deployment strategies that transcend what Kafka’s creators imagined when they originally developed the technology. As the scope and reach of streaming data platforms based on Apache Kafka® has grown, the need to understand monitoring and troubleshooting strategies has as well.

In this talk, we will share examples of supporting Apache Kafka at enterprise-scale and explore monitoring and troubleshooting techniques to help you avoid pitfalls when scaling large-scale Kafka deployments.

Topics include:

  • Effective use of JMX for Kafka
  • Tools for preventing small problems from becoming big ones
  • Efficient architectures proven in the wild
  • Finding and storing the right information when it all goes wrong


Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01

Recursos adicionales

cc demo
kafka microservices