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Picnic Modernizes Data Architecture with Confluent for Streaming Analytics

«Confluent ofrece exactamente lo que habíamos soñado: un ecosistema de herramientas para source y sink de datos a partir de data streams. No solo nos ha ofrecido una gran agilidad y flexibilidad de data pipeline , sino también una infraestructura muy simplificada que nos ha permitido reducir costes».

DIMA KALASHNIKOV | Responsable técnico


Address legacy tech-related operational overhead and scalability issues to allow for better customer behavior analytics and improve internal processes.


Confluent Cloud helps Picnic save time and money by reducing operational overhead and allowing for real-time processing and easy scalability of event data.


  • Reduced infrastructure costs by 40%
  • Simplified, future-proof data architecture
  • Improved infrastructure monitoring for better SLAs and system health
  • Elimination of data loss

Picnic is Europe’s fastest-growing online-only supermarket, currently operating in France,the Netherlands, and Germany. The company relies heavily on data-driven decisions to provide the lowest-price guarantee to its customers. Picnic processes more than 300 million unique events per week from customer applications (i.e., shopping applications) and internal systems to power predictive analytics in their data warehouse.

Picnic’s blazing-fast growth, attributable to consumer demand, industry recognition, and a successful series B funding, underpinned the need to seek out a better performing and more reliable data streaming platform, as well as improved streaming analytics capabilities. That’s when Picnic turned to Confluent.

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