Kafka in the Cloud: Why it’s 10x better with Confluent | Find out more

Less Time Cleaning. More Time Engineering.

Shift Processing and Governance left to maximize the ROI of your data warehouses. Reduce data quality issues by up to 60%, cut compute costs by 30%, and improve engineering productivity.

Shift Left - Whats New (1)

Confluent is a partner with Snowflake

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Headless Data Architecture

What is a Headless Data Architecture?

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Prevent Bad Data in Streams

How to Prevent Bad Data in Streams

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Benefits from Using Confluent

Power your analytics with real-time data warehouses

Maintain high-fidelity data that’s continuously flowing, evolving, and being processed with real-time data streaming and in-flight processing.

Drive greater data trust and autonomy

Deliver ready-to-use, trustworthy data products by shaping it into multiple contexts on the fly and enable self-service search and discoverability for your engineering teams.

Maximize the ROI of data warehouses and data lakes

Process and govern data once at the source. Reduce data quality issues by 40-60% and free up your data engineering team to work on more strategic projects.

Connect and Stream from your operational systems instantly

Pre-built and CDC connectors

Use 120+ self-managed and 80+ fully managed zero-code and CDC connectors for instant connectivity from and to existing data systems

Custom Connectors

Bring your own connector and run it confidently and cost-effectively on our fully managed cloud service

Native Integrations

Enjoy instant access to streaming data directly within AWS, Azure and GCP, so you never have to leave the tool of your choice

Clean and process data the moment it’s created.  Build your datasets once as a stream or table.

Clean at the source

Clean, filter, join, and enrich streams on-the-fly to drive greater data reuse

Incremental processing

Process continuously and serve incrementally updated views of data in milliseconds

Batch and real-time

Unified API that supports stream processing, batch processing and ad-hoc analytics

Programming flexibility

Supports Java, Python, & SQL with 150+ built-in functions

Drive self-service secure access to trustworthy data products for greater reuse across the operational, analytical and S3 ecosystems

Data Portal

Help engineers securely search, discover and explore existing data assets across the organization, effortlessly request access to these streams directly within the GUI and easily build and manage data products to power real-time pipelines or applications.

Stream Governance

Get a ‘google maps’ view for your real-time data and a drill-down magnification for answering complex data relationships and questions in visual graphs.


Specify schemas, metadata, rules, semantic context and access the data you need in exactly the format your analytics query engines need it in.

Shift Governing and Processing Left to maximize the value of your data warehouses and lakehouses.
Shift Governing and Processing Large
Shift Governing and Processing Mobile

Accelerate Your Journey with Confluent + Partners

We work together with our partners to maximize the value of high quality data products across the ecosystem.

Cloud Providers


System Integrators


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Get started with Confluent today

New signups receive $400 to spend during their first 30 days. No credit card required.