국내 No.1 에너지 IT기업 ‘해줌’의 컨플루언트 클라우드 도입 스토리 | 알아보고 등록하기

Log Compaction | Highlights in the Apache Kafka and Stream Processing Community | June 2016


After months of testing efforts and seven voting rounds, Apache Kafka 0.10.0 and the corresponding Confluent Platform 3.0 have been finally released, cheers!

  • Guozhang Wang is a PMC member of Apache Kafka, and also a tech lead at Confluent leading the Kafka Streams team. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University where he worked on scaling data-driven applications. Prior to Confluent, Guozhang was a senior software engineer at LinkedIn, developing and maintaining its backbone streaming infrastructure on Apache Kafka and Apache Samza.

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