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ETC Reduce TCO by Optimizing Infrastructure and Operational Costs

  • 50%

    reduction in in-house resource demand for managing Kafka

  • 20%

    infrastructure cost savings per customer

With Confluent, we’ve been able to optimize our in-house Kafka-support resources by ~50% and redeploy our engineering and development talent to creating innovative and value-added features for our customers instead. Additionally, engaging Confluent gave us the peace of mind that comes with minimizing downtime and knowing that our Kafka systems are in the hands of one of the industry’s leading data-in-motion experts.

Josh LittleSun | Director of Technology


Reduce operational costs and downtime risks while seamlessly processing massive volumes of transaction data pouring in from a growing number of roadside sensors in real time.


Confluent Cloud for a fast, agile enterprise data-in-motion platform that reduces the total cost of ownership by minimizing Apache Kafka® operational costs and downtime risk.


  • An average 20% infrastructure cost savings per customer for every new customer added to the fully managed Confluent Cloud platform vs. open source Kafka
  • Significant reduction in downtime risk, where every minute of downtime can cost tens of thousands of dollars per minute in lost revenue
  • ~50% reduction in in-house resource demand for managing Kafka

Facing a rapidly increasing volume of data flowing in from the various sensors and devices associated with its customers’ ever-expanding toll and smart mobility projects, ETC scaled up to meet surging demand by turning to Kafka for messaging queue agility and to Confluent Cloud to maintain high uptime for critically important transaction processing systems and to reduce infrastructure-related and operational costs.

By bringing in Confluent Cloud, ETC was able to significantly reduce the amount of time its engineers spend on managing Kafka, while reducing downtime risk and increasing agility. Instead, ETC spends its valuable engineering resources on accelerating innovation and business-differentiating projects.

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