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That’s a Wrap! Kafka Summit San Francisco 2018 Roundup


Were you there last week? For as big as that event felt, it’s hard to believe it’s only the third annual Kafka Summit San Francisco. But the view was beautiful and the content was rich.

Pier 27 San Francisco

Of course, given the size of the Apache Kafka® Community, I can say for sure that most of you were not there. But that’s okay! Session videos are now online.

And it’s always fun to look at the event by the numbers. Here’s what we had this time:

  • 4 keynotes
  • 20 different food trucks
  • 29 sponsors
  • 32 countries represented
  • 56 sessions over four tracks
  • 76 speakers
  • 350+ companies
  • 1,200+ attendees
  • 1,500 tweets made by 608 people
  • 2,816 images in the #kafkasummit mosaic
  • 8,000+ online views of the keynotes already

Although 8,000 views of the keynotes is a lot, I know that still leaves some of you who haven’t watched them. I really do think they’re all worth your time:

  • In Overcome By Events, Confluent Co-founder and CEO Jay Kreps made the case the separate architectures usually employed to address microservices, monitoring, data pipeline and analytic applications really all point to the need for a streaming platform.
  • In What’s In Your Topic?, Capital One VP of Streaming Data walked us through how Capital One is building out a streaming platform at scale. The response to this keynote has been fantastic.
  • In Is Kafka a Database?, University of Cambridge Martin Kleppmann argues that Kafka has a stronger claim to ACID transactional semantics than any relational database does at scale. Provocative, but compelling.
  • Finally, Confluent Co-founder and CTO Neha Narkhede moderated a panel of industry influencers in Stream of Consciousness.

Stream of Consciousness: Panel of Industry Leaders Discuss Kafka at Kafka Summit SF

And here’s some of the content that stood out to me:

Zen and the Art of Streaming Joins – Nick Dearden

I hope you can spend some time with the videos. If you’ve got something to share with the community, start writing an outline, because the the call for papers for Kafka Summit NYC 2019 (April 2, 2019) and Kafka Summit London 2019 (May 13-14, 2019) will be opening soon. I hope to see you there!

Interested in more?

If you’d like to know more, you can download the Confluent Platform, the leading distribution of Apache Kafka.

  • Tim은 Confluent의 개발자 관계 부문 부사장으로서, 팀원과 함께 모든 개발자가 스트리밍 데이터와 새로운 도구 세트에 액세스할 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다. 컨퍼런스에서 정기적으로 연사로 활동하며 YouTube에서 복잡한 기술 주제를 알기 쉽게 설명합니다. 현재 미국 캘리포니아주 마운틴뷰에서 아내, 의붓딸과 함께 살고 있습니다. 슬하에 장성한 자녀 셋, 의붓자식 셋, 손주 넷이 있습니다.

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