국내 No.1 에너지 IT기업 ‘해줌’의 컨플루언트 클라우드 도입 스토리 | 알아보고 등록하기

Recursion Accelerates Drug Discovery with New Data Pipelines Based on Confluent Cloud

우리가 Confluent Cloud로 구축한 시스템의 규모와 견고성은 새로운 치료법 발견이라는 우리의 사명에서 성공을 가속화하는 데 핵심적인 역할을 했으며 사람을 대상으로 하는 임상 시험에 새로운 치료법을 제공하는 데 도움이 되었습니다.

Ben Mabey | 엔지니어링 부문 부사장
Recursion Pharmaceuticals


Accelerate the drug discovery process by streamlining the analysis of biological image data


Use Confluent Cloud and Kafka to create a scalable, highly reliable data pipeline based on real-time event streaming


  • Drug discovery pipeline stages accelerated
  • Flexible, highly available data pipeline established
  • Stable operation in production since launch

Advances in machine learning, image processing and data science have opened unprecedented opportunities to accelerate the discovery of new drugs that hold the potential to dramatically improve and even save millions of lives. Recursion Pharmaceuticals has seized these opportunities by building a massively parallel system that combines experimental biology, artificial intelligence, automation and real-time event streaming.

Recursion decided to use event streaming with Confluent Cloud and Apache Kafka to minimize administrative overhead, enable faster iterations on experimental results and simplify migration by reusing existing microservices.

Recursion has already made significant strides in accelerating drug discovery, with more than 30 disease models in discovery, another nine in preclinical development, and two in clinical trials. With Confluent Cloud and the new streaming approach, the company has built a platform that makes it possible to screen much larger experiments with thousands of compounds against hundreds of disease models in minutes, and less expensively than alternative discovery approaches.

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